Saturday, September 5, 2009

Rainy Day Fun

Today, hurricane Jimena arrived in Arizona. Yes hurricanes do come here periodically. So that meant lots of rain. And we mean lots. Our street in front of P&J house was flooded. So, what's a dog to do? With all the rain and lightening and thunderstorms, P&J weren't really looking forward to thunderstorms & a rainy day since they were worried I'd be afraid, but I wasn't. J got out there with me and played in the rain and we made it through the day. I had lots of fun, and tried to catch raindrops on my tongue, pacing back and forth on the screen room until P&J would take me out. Tomorrow is supposed to be a repeat of the same. I hope, since I had lots of fun in the water.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Piper!

    I know what you mean about staying inside and being bored when it rains! I keep saying I am a sporting breed and should still go on hikes when it rains, but Cristine likes to wait until it stops (the silly Papillon with his long hair is a mess in the rain?!).
    I am glad you remembered that thunder isn't scary! You got to hear some when you were very little ... probably the LAST time it rained in AZ!:) I know Cristine was glad it thundered then so hopefully all the pups would know it was ok - sounds like you remembered! Good boy!
